Added video doesn't appear in our public profile

We support video links from YouTube and Vimeo that include the ID of the video, e.g. or

There are also specific privacy settings that either allow you to embed the video to other websites or not:

1. Vimeo (see the full Vimeo article):

You can set your embed privacy to “Anywhere, so anyone can embed your video on an external website.

If your embed privacy is set to “Nowhere,” no one can embed your video on an external website.

If you are on a paid subscription, you will also have access to a couple additional, granular privacy settings:

Unlisted is a semi-private setting that’ll make your individual video visible only to people who have the link. Your videos won’t appear in any channels or groups and the video’s credits will be removed.

(Please note, although the video will not appear in a public search on , anyone with access to this link can share it with anyone else.)

Hide from Vimeo will make the video unable to be accessed on the website (unless you are logged in as yourself), but it still can be embedded on other websites. Your video can be added to showcases and portfolios but not to other types of collections.

2. Youtube

You should set your videos to "unlisted" instead of "private" on Youtube. That way the video does not show up on your channel or on any search results but anyone with a link to the video can see it and you can embed the video on any site.


If you are still experiencing issues with the correct link, please contact for further assistance.